Millie the Barn Owl


Millie the Barn Owl

This is my babygirl. ❤ There is no better feeling than gaining the trust of such a beautiful animal. I took this picture the day I came back from College to visit and she greeted me by flying over to my lap and cuddling. This picture was NOT zoomed in, she truly was only a few inches away from the camera. I miss my favorite birdy every day!!!

Fiona Apple

Her seductive voice,
belts out half notes, quarter notes, sharps, and flats,
that surround her
and bound her body
in a hemp rope

Her hair
dances like a flame
and sets the hemp ablaze.
It consumes her.

She purses her dull bitten lips
and releases the smoke
that coils around her limbs
and disappears into the air.

Her frail body
crashes to the ground.
On hands and knees,
she gazes up at you
with hollow eyes.
Brightness stolen.

She lifts her head,
kisses death on the cheek.
Her fists and clench the earth
as dirt embeds in her fingernails.

Her snow white skin,
absorbs the melody of our world,
the souls of those who’ve gone before her.

Her seductive voice,
belts out half notes, quarter notes, sharps, and flats


Words blur in my mind
like traffic signs in a high speed chase.
Gotta get out, gotta get out, gotta get out
out of this city,
out of this state,
out of this country.

Headlights reflect off the back of my skull
projecting the movie of my life.
Entertaining the remnants of my brain.
if there’s one word for it all, it’s

Like the insects that devour my brain.
The first shocking moment that
took your breath away.
The terror
that makes your blood run cold.
The tragedy of losing the ones you love
that breaks your heart.

The images that
make you wish you were blind.
The pain that takes it too far and
teaches you to stop feeling.
Life has a way of ripping you apart
bit by bit,
moment by moment.

In the most horrifying ways.
The great lady calls to me,
Lady Lazarus.
she whispers to me,
“dying is an art.”

Each tragic event,
killed a part of me.
Grab the clutch, staggering in 5th gear.
The images in my mind

Now appearing on the sides of the road.
some sick play
surrounding me scene by scene.
Gotta get out, gotta go faster,
gotta get out, gotta go faster.

the engine revs,
the images begin to blur.
Blood dripping down the face of the
brown hair, blue eyed, 7 yr. old girl.
The hollow shell of a 30 yr. old woman,
belt in hand.
And an angel that tried too hard to
escape and succeeded.

I can’t take it. I can’t take it.
Gotta get out,
out of this mind, out of this body.
Going, going, going,

Day at the Park

Two women sitting on a park bench.
Their aged eyes glisten in the sun,
looking at them, it is impossible not to imagine
the life they’ve lived.

Two friends sitting on a park bench.
Smiling at the pigeons walking around their orthopedic shoes,
laughing about times past.
A history that would last a lifetime.

Two lifetimes, sitting on a park bench.
Time passing by like the cracked pavement beneath
the beaten up ’66 mustang convertible
that carried them away from the life they knew,

Two hearts sitting on a park bench.
Reminiscing about adventures,
bare skin hitting cold water,
grass stains covering knees,
moldy couches in old basements,
moving through the world,
hand in hand.

Two minds sitting on a park bench.
Silently smirking at dark secrets.
Understanding the meaning of life;
Scraped knees and first kisses,
grandchildren and wooden canes.

Two friends sitting on a park bench.


This is my new blog! I am a creative writer so I will be posting stories, poems, etc. along with some other stuff I might throw in. I really hope you enjoy my work and pass it on. I intend in publishing the novel I am currently working on, so stay up to date and wish me luck!